I’ve been a horse trainer for over 20 years and my students come from all disciplines. I’ve always cross-trained my horses in different western disciplines, dressage, jumping, pole work, liberty and trick training. And, of course, a lot of hacking out.
I love to communicate with horses the full way; body, mind and soul. Tapping into horse’s genuine point of view, they show us how to unfold and rediscover our true authenticity.
I’m also the author of 10 horse training books, with a total of 938 pole work exercises.
Born in 1983, raised on a horse farm outside Flen, Sweden.
In my teens, I started with liberty dressage and trick training. Not long after, I competed at an elite level in various western disciplines. My best discipline was Trail, where you ride a pattern with many poles in different technical obstacles and pole series. Through this, my interest in creative and developing pole exercises was born!
At the same time as I competed in western classes, I also trained the horses in dressage, showjumping, and trick training. I started working as a trainer, and my students came from all disciplines.
Training only one single discipline has never suited me. Instead, different horses showed me, bit by bit, how I could build up a complete signal system, which was based on both intuition and technique.
Thus began my journey in what I named Authentic Horse Communication. A holistic signaling system I learned from the horses, and I am still being taught today by them.
For me, each horse is a new source of inspiration, techniques and spiritual knowledge. Being around horses helps me to align with the magical side of life.
I have no interest in obedience and hierarchies.
The energy communication with the horse, being in tune with the horse and thereby finding the perfect way of connecting, has always been my guiding star.
From there, the horse and I can, together, create all imaginable movements, exercises, and achievements, from animated play to honing their buoyancy in piaffe, passage, and pirouettes.
Creativity is a natural part of me and something I happily share with everyone who wants more variety and inspiration.
I competed at an elite level in the early 2000s, mainly in Performance disciplines such as Trail, Western Horsemanship, Reining, Western Riding, Versatile Horse and Pleasure.
I placed top 3 in 70% of my rides. Top 5 in 89%.
Gold, Swedish Championships, in Western Horsemanship
Silver, Swedish Championships, in Versatile Horse
Bronze, Swedish Championships, in Trail
Bronze, Swedish Championships, in Reining
Season High Score Winner 6 times
Winner of Swedish National Finals in Trail
(a special class for the 6 best riders of the year)
My books are loved by equestrians in nearly 100 countries!
Publisher: Horses of Zachanox
Swedish title: Stärk Hästen med Caprilli – 2023
English title: Strengthen Your Horse with Caprilli – 2023
Swedish title: Utvecklande Bomträning – 2022
English title: Mastering Your Pole Work – 2023
Swedish title: Trav & Skritt i Bomfigurer – 2022
English title: Pole Work for Walk & Trot – 2022
Swedish title: Galopp & Trav i Bomfigurer – 2022
English title: Pole Work for Canter & Trot – 2022
Swedish title: Ryggning i Teknikhinder – 2022
English title: Back-Through Obstacles – 2022
Not yet translated into English:
Två bommar – 2022
Frihetsdressyr med bommar – 2021
Publisher: Brightmare Productions:
(these titles are out-of-print)
Swedish title: Ett med hästen i naturen – 2017
English title: Creative Riding in Nature – 2020
Swedish title: Inspiration på ridbanan – 2016
English title: Creative Riding in the Arena – 2019
Swedish title: Roligt med bommar och koner – 2013
English title: Creative Riding with Obstacles – 2017
German title: Kreatives Reiten mit Stangen – 2020
French title: L’équitation crèative avec des obstacles -2020
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